settori di competenza

Sectors of Expertise for Molds and Molding of Plastic Materials

Who needs molds and stampings

Companies for it molding of plastic materials are among the most sought after, as they allow you to create essential components for many of the main ones commodity sectors.

Resort to a serious professional like 4c Srl molds and molding of plastic materials, means being able to count on high quality and precision products.

THE materials used they are all top of the range, in order to take advantage of long-lasting molds or a high-level molding service.

So let's see in detail what are the sectors where the molds are mostly used and what are the specific needs.

Food industry

4c stampi e stampaggio di materie plastiche - settore alimentare

The first sector that comes to mind when talking about molds is that food.

Think of all the silicone or plastic accessories that go into making a water dispenser, purifier, or coffee maker.

All products made by 4c Srl they got the MOCA certified, which determines the suitability or otherwise of the materials used in contact with food, documentation to be shown in case of control by the competent authorities.

Some other products are made in biodegradable plastic, with a view to greater respect for the environment and for the recycling of waste materials.

Automotive sector

4c stampi e stampaggio di materie plastiche - settore automobilistico

Plastic components are also widely used in the sector automotive, especially to create some of the main elements that are found in the cabin.

Specifically, we refer to all the internal bodies that cover the front part of the steering wheel or are placed on the doors, which require special molds to be made to perfection and to be able to fit together with the rest of the elements.

4C Srl builds and designs ad hoc prototypes for every need, paying attention to the precision and duration of the product.

Safety and security

4c stampi e stampaggio di materie plastiche - sicurezza e protezioni

Especially in recent years, the topic of safety in specific contexts e workplaces has become central.

Therefore, special molds are needed for the creation of helmets and protective devices, which follow the needs of the company which must take precautions towards its employees.

Indoors & Outdoors

4c stampi e stampaggio di materie plastiche - indoor e outdoor

In the context of care home and above all of garden, there are several plastic elements that are used every day at a professional and amateur level.

Let's think, for example, of the water supply pipe, the watering can, the vases of various sizes or most of the more common utensils.

If, on the other hand, you enter the home, it is impossible not to find plastic objects in the kitchen, starting from cutlery to bowls and crockery.

electromedical sector

4c stampi e stampaggio di materie plastiche - settore elettromedicale

Especially following the historical period we are still going through, the world ofelectromedical has experienced an enormous expansion, linked to the massive creation of protective devices or tools for measuring vital parameters.

There printing of plastic items is vital in this context, both as regards domestic equipment and that dedicated to the structures.

Let's think, for example, of machines for determining blood pressure or heart rate, oximeters or mobility chairs, which have elements in plastic materials and require special molds for making the components.

Contact 4C Srl Molds and Molding of Plastic Material to get more information.