4C Srl – plastic material molding sector
Making some molds for plastic materials and provide for printing it is a process that requires various stages. Each of them must be performed as precisely as possible, and in such a way as to allow large production volumes at the same time.
4C Srl is a reality that bases its production on the experience of its employees both as regards the mold design both for the subsequent operation of molding of plastic materials.
The The result is products of absolute reliability and durability over time, made based on the measurements and weight usually most in use.

How the production process takes place
As we said 4C Srl takes care of every stage of the productive process, and this is mostly based on 3 stages well distinct from each other.
- Design of the component or components to be made and printed:
At this stage, interfacing with the customer is essential. Listening to your needs, planning together an ideal solution that is both economical to produce but with very high quality standards, and above all that reflects what the customer needs.
Therefore, starting from what is needed, solutions are created together that can lead to the definitive one, exploring various alternatives. Once the final design has been completed, we move on to the next step.
- Mold making:
This phase is significant because it must allow to obtain more pieces with just one of them, and above all it must ensure that the least possible waste of raw material takes place so as to maximize the result, with consequent lower manufacturing costs.
This solution is possible thanks to the latest generation machinery used by 4C Srl and the experience and professionalism inherent in each of the employees.
In this phase, then, it is necessary to immediately know the final dimensions of the object to be created, and the type/s of materials to be used.
Before starting the final stage is made a prototype in such a way as to be able to get an idea of the goodness of the mold and of the initial design. If these checks are successful, we proceed to final stage.
- Printing:
The product can be made in different types of materials such as technopolymers or rubbers, starting from a few grams up to 3 kilograms for a single piece.
The machinery used is computerized, therefore able to control every single phase down to the last minute, with consequent precise results even on a large scale, as required by industrial production.
Finally, the components are tested one by one, and if required, subsequent aesthetic processes such as chrome plating or painting can also be carried out.
Confidence that place in us the industries that continue to choose us for the realization of the components is the main business card which gives us confidence and continually pushes us to seek ever more advanced solutions to guarantee ever better products and obtain maximum customer satisfaction.
Contact 4C Srl Molds and Molding of Plastic Material to get more information.